Dangerous Drug Lawyers

Nationwide Pharmaceutical Drug Lawsuits

Assisting the injured with cases involving bad pharmaceutical drugs and side effects.

Every year drugs that come with some severe side effects manage to meet the minimum FDA requirements and are released to the public. Unsuspecting consumers purchase these pharmaceuticals believing them to be totally safe, unaware of the risks involved. Not long ago many believed that drugs like Actos and Risperdal were safe until landmark cases against the drug makers proved the startlingly side effect claims. Today many communities are at risk, most notably the diabetic community and other target markets for pharmaceutical companies.

If you or a loved one has been hurt by one of these products, call Johnston Law Group and speak with a dangerous drug attorney today.

Call (844) 464-0062 to schedule an appointment. Initial consultations are free and our dangerous drug lawyers work on a contingency fee basis.

An Increasing Number of Diabetes Drugs

Diabetes, a disease in which people have too much sugar in their blood, affects 29 million people (an estimated 9.3% of the population) here in America. As the number affected by Diabetes continues to grow the number of drugs available for their treatment does as well.

Invokana has quickly grown to be one of the most popular drugs available to consumers to treat type 2 Diabetes. In addition, it has become a beacon of information on the value of the long-term testing on drugs available to consumers.

Without long-term testing, it is heavily marketed by its maker, Johnson & Johnson, as an (SGLT) 2 inhibitor. However, by 2017 a new risk of Invokana was being exposed following a critical study known as the CANagliflozin cardioVascular Assessment Study (CANVAS). CANVAS followed the effects of Invokana long-term and was able to show an increased risk of amputation related to taking Invokana.

Read More > The Dangerous Side of Diabetes Drugs

A Common Drug, Heartburn Drug Safety

Millions of Americans consume heartburn drugs daily without being properly informed of the risks. Prilosec, Nexium, and Prevacid have been reported to side effects like bone fractures and kidney disease and failure previous to the definitive news that long-term exposure to these drugs may increase the risk of the death.

Manufacturers have an obligation to consumers to inform them of the risks of taking their products. However, the current system of testing, FDA approval, and prescribing allows many drugs, like heartburn drugs, once commonly believed to be safe, to be consumed for years on end.

Defective Drugs Are Not Always Discontinued

Drug manufacturers are required to make clear to consumers the potential side effects that come with their product. From a marketing standpoint, this is a major disadvantage for them, and some will downplay the risks as much as possible to keep profit margins up. As a result, even drugs that are known to be dangerous are consumed on a daily basis because the victims were not made aware of the product's history.

Our firm has represented clients harmed by the following drugs:

These are just a handful of the drugs that are known to cause problems. Anyone injured after using Vioxx, Zoloft, certain contact solution brands, Fosamax, and more are encouraged to reach out to Johnston Law Group.

Pharmaceutical Drug Side Effect Lawsuits

Without long-term testing, we may continue to see exposed side effects of drugs for decades come. If you have been harmed as a result of a defective drug contact our firm today to learn about a defective pharmaceutical drug lawsuit.

At Johnston Law Group, we are both confident in our skills and dedicated to helping people hurt by these products. For these reasons we work on contingency fees and do not charge clients unless they see compensation through settlement or trial verdict. Your money should go towards medical treatment, not fighting for damage recovery intended to aid your healing.

Ready to get your case off the ground? Call (844) 464-0062 or contact us online.

Commonly Asked Questions

What should I do if I've been harmed by a pharmaceutical drug?

If you've experienced harm due to a pharmaceutical drug, it's crucial to seek legal assistance. Contacting a law firm like Johnston Law Group can provide you with the guidance you need. They offer free initial consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you won't be charged unless you receive compensation through a settlement or trial verdict. This allows you to focus your resources on medical treatment while they handle the legal aspects of your claim.

Are there any risks associated with diabetes drugs like Invokana?

Yes, certain diabetes drugs, such as Invokana, have been associated with serious risks. Studies like the CANagliflozin cardioVascular Assessment Study (CANVAS) have shown an increased risk of amputation related to taking Invokana. It's important for consumers to be aware of these risks and for manufacturers to provide clear information about potential side effects. If you've been affected by Invokana or similar drugs, seeking legal advice can help you understand your rights and options.

Can a drug still be on the market even if it's known to be dangerous?

Yes, it's possible for drugs known to be dangerous to remain on the market. Drug manufacturers are supposed to inform consumers about potential side effects, but some may minimize the risks to maintain profits. As a result, consumers may continue to use these drugs without full knowledge of their dangers. If you've been harmed by a drug that you believe was not properly labeled or marketed, contacting a law firm like Johnston Law Group can help you explore your legal options.

How does Johnston Law Group handle pharmaceutical drug lawsuit cases?

Johnston Law Group handles pharmaceutical drug lawsuit cases with confidence in their legal abilities and a commitment to helping those injured by defective drugs. They operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning clients are not charged unless they receive compensation. This approach allows individuals to allocate their finances towards medical care while the firm focuses on securing the necessary funds for their recovery through legal action.

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